Getting Started in the Forum

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Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:22 pm
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Getting Started in the Forum

Post by Cate »

Following is a brief explanation of the basic functions of Our Forum. If anything is unclear or I left something important out, please feel free to message or email me (see last paragraph) and I will attempt to clarify it and/or edit the explanation here.

On the opening screen, click Our Forum to see a list of Topics and select one.

Tip: You can temporarily re-order the list to make Topics easier to find. This is not currently relevant, of course, but may be when Topics span more than 1 page. At the bottom of the Topic list, left hand side, second button in (hover over), are Display and Sorting Options, select Subject and the Topics will list alphabetically for your current session.

Posting a Reply (in a Topic)

To post a reply or comment in a Topic, click the red lettered Post Reply button on the top or the bottom left of the last person's post and you will see the following screen.

Getting Started Graphic 1.png
Getting Started Graphic 1.png (45.38 KiB) Viewed 38660 times

Your post goes in the white space, of course. Along the top of that space are formatting choices, above it are icons you can attach to post, and on the right side there are emoji’s you can insert.

Underneath your post, you have the option to Save a draft to post later or Preview (always a good idea :) ), and then Submit.

You can still edit or delete your post after it's been submitted. Across from the Topic title is a small group of buttons (Graphic 2). Hover over them to see their functions. Note: You may not see the lower case i since it is typically an admin function.

Getting Started Graphic 2.png
Getting Started Graphic 2.png (36.37 KiB) Viewed 38659 times

Return to Topic List

Board Index is the name of the list of Topics in our forum. You can quickly return to it by clicking on one of the options above a Topic title,

Our Forum—Returns you to a full list of Announcements and Topics
Lost & Found Co-op—Just lists Topics
Board Index—Takes you back to the opening screen

Getting Started Graphic 3.png
Getting Started Graphic 3.png (14.92 KiB) Viewed 38660 times

Starting a New Topic

To start a new Topic, click the red lettered New Topic button at the bottom Topics list on the left hand side or the same button just under the title, Our Forum.
The screen is the same as used for posting a reply (1st Graphic), and the options and steps to create the Topic are identical.

Adding a Picture/Graphic to Post

The easiest way to do this is by adding an attachment. First, set your cursor at the spot in your post where you want to insert the picture. Underneath the Save draft, Preview and Submit buttons there are 2 tabs. See below. Select Attachment, and then Add File. Find the picture/graphic on your computer that you want to put in the post, and click Open. Last click Place Inline. You can also delete attachments with this feature.

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Getting Started Graphic 4.png (41.44 KiB) Viewed 38660 times

Getting Help

If you need help navigating the site or for any other reason, contact me or Carrie. At the bottom of every screen, there are options on the right hand side. Select Members and click on one of our names. On the next screen is a Username List, click directly on one of our names. The next screen gives you the option to send an email or private message.
Note: This is also how you can communicate directly with other Co-op members