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Tutorials -- Some How To's of FV2

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:29 am
by Carrie Farmer
Tree Watering Trick

Using the help of a Co-op member, you can use a single tree to water a whole grove.
  1. Remove a single tree from a grove you wish to water.
  2. Move the tree to a pre-determined area, that is, a location you have identified in your preferences for help (See Topic “When you visit my farm, please help with. . .”)
  3. Hover over a visitor’s avatar badge to see who will help with trees.
  4. Before you accept their help, put the tree back in its grove.
  5. After accepting their help, the visitor will go to that grove and water all the trees in it.
  6. You can water up to 10 groves for a regular visit.

This trick has been used by FV2 farmers for years. The original version specified that the single tree should be set directly in front of the grove from which it came. The advantage is that it’s easier to return the tree to the correct grove. The disadvantage is that it requires visitors to search the farm for single trees.

For the convenience of your visitors and to ensure you get the help that you want, it’s recommended that you locate your single trees in one of two locations:

1. Immediately adjacent to your sprinklers

treetrick1.png (253.02 KiB) Viewed 51838 times

2. In an easily accessible spot that you have identified in the topic “When you visit my farm, please help with. . .”

treetrick2.png (224.09 KiB) Viewed 51838 times

Important Note to Visitors

On occasion, you may visit a farm on which the single trees appear already watered or ready to be harvested. Still hit them. The farmer decides how to best use the help they receive. For instance, the farmer might water the groves with one visitor’s help, fertilize with another and harvest the grove with a 3rd.

Note to Farmers

It is not uncommon to have two or more visitors help with the same trees at the same time, as mentioned above. Once a tree has been returned to a grove, it doesn’t need to be removed again before accepting the help of another visitor.

Thank you Cate for compiling this helpful tutorial!

Tutorials -- Some How To's of FV2

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:11 pm
by Cate
Shared Orders

Please note: The post is locked. For comments, questions, answers and discussion about the Shared Orders, please go to topic Shared Orders -- Questions & Discussion.

The current Co-op members are experienced with Shared orders. This tutorial might be helpful to future members, especially those who haven’t been in a Co-op before, or it may be a refresher for others.

Important Note: Contributing to SO’s is not expected or required by the Co-op. The decision to participate or not is completely up to individual Farmers.


Co-op members collectively contribute items to a Shared Order (SO) to fulfill the order requirements. This earns rewards for the Co-op and the Owner of the order. Below is an example of a Shared Order screen followed by an explanation of the numbered sections.

Shared Orders Graphic 1.png
Shared Orders Graphic 1.png (136.48 KiB) Viewed 51862 times

1. Owner Rewards - The amount of coins and favors the Owner of the SO receives when their order is completed.

2. Co-op Reward - The number of favors added to the Bonus Favors earned by the Co-op during the week of farming.

3. Order Requirements - The item and amount needed to complete the SO.

4. Contributors – These Co-op members helped complete the order.

5. Crafts in Inventory - The number of items the Farmer already has in inventory.

6. Crafts to Share - The number of items the Farmer is contributing to the order.

7. Time at the bottom -- The SO will expire in this amount of time, which is the same for all orders in a set.

Top left corner – This is the Owner of the order. The “2x Progress” refers to the number of orders added to the Owner’s Personal Goal when their SO is completed.


When a SO is completed, the rewards are distributed as follows:
  • The Owner of the SO receives the coins and Favors and 2 orders are added to their Personal Goal.
  • 5 Bonus Favors are added to the Co-op’s total for the week up to a maximum of 50 per week.
  • Two orders are added to the Co-op’s Goal total.
  • The person who finishes a SO, that is, the last person to contribute, doesn’t benefit personally (unless they're also the owner.) They don't get receive any coins or favors and the 2 orders are not added to their Personal Goal.
  • Instead, their help is acknowledged by attributing the 2 orders added to the Co-op total: 1) beside their name in the My Co-op tab; and, 2) on the Progress Bar at the bottom of the Order Board if their avatar is showing.
  • The total towards their Personal Goal (on their chalkboard) will be 2 orders less per completed SO than what’s showing to the Co-op members.

Shared Order Graphic 2.png
Shared Order Graphic 2.png (168.56 KiB) Viewed 51853 times

Shared Order Graphic 3.png
Shared Order Graphic 3.png (84.64 KiB) Viewed 51896 times

Completing Shared Orders
  • The Co-op currently receives 5 SO’s per set. We’re eligible for 6 but Support told us they have no control over the number of SO’s a Co-op has and that it is automatically managed elsewhere.
  • A new set of SO’s arrives about every 2 days; Friday afternoon or evening of a new week, followed by others on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This gives the Co-op 20 SO’s to choose from if the Co-op Goal isn’t reached until Thursday.
  • The Co-op, however, typically reaches their goal before Thursday so we see less SO’s. We often max out (earn 50 Bonus Favors) using the Friday evening and Sunday morning set, so we only see 10 SO's or 15 if we use Tuesday's set
  • New sets provide the Co-op with the opportunity to skip SO’s that require a very high number of items to complete or uses too many resources. When that situation arises, someone generally makes the suggestion in Co-op Chat to skip it, so look there for the info.
  • A new farming week begins on Fridays about at 11:00 a.m. EST but the orders showing in the Shared Order tab at that time are not new. They are from the previous week and do not count towards the current week’s Bonus Favors.
  • Screenshot 4 was taken on Jan 21/23 just before the previous farming week ended (at about 10:45 a.m.); Screenshot 5 was taken the same day but 6 hours after the new week began. You can see that the SO’s are identical in both graphics. The previous week’s SO’s will be replaced later in the day, usually in the evening, with a new set.

Shared Order Graphic 4.png
Shared Order Graphic 4.png (250.61 KiB) Viewed 51846 times

Shared Order Graphic 5.png
Shared Order Graphic 5.png (236.37 KiB) Viewed 51844 times

  • A new set of SO’s and the reset of the Bonus Favor Icon to zero from the last week’s total occurs at the same time. Screenshot 5 above shows that, while the new week began, the Bonus Favor Icon was still set at the previous week’s total of +50 and the SO’s are from the previous the previous week.
  • Screenshot 6 below was taken 8 hours later on the same day. Now there is a fresh set of SO’s and the small Bonus Favor Icon has reset to zero (no number), ready for the Co-op to start earning Bonus Favors.

Shared Order Graphic 6 resize 5.png
Shared Order Graphic 6 resize 5.png (304.48 KiB) Viewed 51836 times

Bonus Favors
  • SO’s earns the Co-op 5 Bonus Favors per order, a maximum of 50 Bonus Favors per week. Bonus Favors are valued because accumulating favors in the game can be a very slow process. And, progress in the game (upgrades, expansions, etc.) often requires a significant number of favors, so every favor counts for most players.
  • Completed SO’s are only beneficial to the Co-op as a collective between 2 very specific points of time during the week of game play, that is, after the Bonus Favor Icon resets and until the Co-op reaches its goal. During that period is the only time that Bonus Favors can be earned. Following is an explanation of rewards for other situations.

Before Bonus Favor icon reset and after Bonus Favors are maxed out (50):

SO’s started but not completed before the Bonus Favor Icon has reset have very limited value. Rewards are provided as follows:
  • Co-op – none
  • Owner – none
  • Contributor(s) – items placed in their inventory when the SO expires
SO’s completed before Bonus Favor Icon reset earn the following rewards:
  • Co-op – none
  • Owner – all of the order’s rewards: coins, favors and 2 orders added to their Personal Goal
  • Last Contributor – None unless they are the owner
SO’s completed after maximum (50) Bonus Favors already earned [by the Co-op. Rewards are provided as follows:
  • Co-op – none
  • Owner – all of the order’s rewards: coins, favors and 2 orders added to their Personal Goal
  • Last Contributor – none

After Co-op Goal is Achieved

SO’s started after Co-op Goal reached but not completed before SO expires or the week ends have limited value. Rewards are provided as follows:
  • Co-op – none
  • Owner – none
  • Contributor(s) – items placed in their inventory when the SO expires

SO’s completed after the Co-op Goal is reached again benefit the Owner but otherwise have no value to the Co-op:
  • Co-op – none
  • Owner – all of the order’s rewards: coins, favors and 2 orders added to their Personal Goal
  • Last Contributor – none

Owners occasionally complete their own SO before the Bonus Favor reset or after Co-op Goal is reached and receive all the SO’s rewards. The SO’s might be especially enticing if the order requirements aren’t very high or they may have other reasons such as, e.g. a ton of the order's product in their inventory, has extra power (maybe certificate), wants the extra Favors and/or to add orders to their Personal Goal total, etc.

Miscellaneous Notes
  • There’s not usually an advantage to using an SO to add 2 orders to the Co-op’s Goal. The resources needed (inventory and power) for a completed SO’s are almost always much greater that completing 2 regular orders. And, this Co-op routinely easily reaches the Goal.
  • Someone who has completed any SO’s will have a difference between the total on their Personal Goal chalkboard and the number of orders attributed to them on the Progress Bar and My Co-op tab. The Progress Bar and My Co-op tab totals will always be higher, as shown in the example below.
    13 regular orders + completed 2 SO’s (2 orders each) = 17 orders showing on Progress bar and in My Co-op.
  • A quick check on the Chat board will tell you if we’re skipping a particular SO in a current set.
  • Consider checking out the number of SO’s the Co-op has already completed before starting a new SO’s on Tuesday morning. We often max out and already have 50 Bonus Favors by then. Or, if we already have 45 Bonus Favors by Tuesday, for example, we only need to complete 1 more.

We welcome your input and, of course, questions and observations. Please go to topic Shared Orders -- Questions & Discussion.

Revised January 27, 2023