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Welcome to the Lost & Found Co-op Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:19 am
by Carrie Farmer
Welcome to our forum! This is a private forum for the members of the Farmville2 Lost & Found Co-op. We have a lot of good information and helpful tips and tricks to help you with your farm. We are a fun and chatty group, so please feel free to chat with your fellow members in the "Feeling Chatty" topic.

We do have a few guidelines...

Above all, be respectful of your fellow members.

Our forum is organized by topic, please try to stay on point so the topics don't get confusing.

Please start a new topic for new subjects.

If you run into any issues with our forum, please contact either myself or Cate and we will do our best to get things sorted.

Happy Farming! :mrgreen:

Please note that occasionally the forum might be down due to regular maintenance. We will try to keep this downtime confined to late at night.