When you visit my farm, please help with. . .
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 8:32 pm

Please add information and/or update your preferences by posting a reply. We'll transfer the info to one page later for our convenience. If your preference includes "and/or," it's helpful to know when it applies, e.g any un-watered crops 1st, or sprinklers and e.g. 5 lone trees and 5 sprinklers. Exceptions mean occasional differences, e.g any single trees by river then sprinklers. You might not have any exceptions so you could type none or just leave it blank.
Regardless of a farmer's help preference, if a visitor needs something (e.g. power, fuel, a type of produce, etc.) they are encouraged to feel free to take it from the farm instead of an identified preference.
Post on the Co-op Chat for quicker results when you have a temporary need, e.g. produce or trees for a quest,.
Primary -- sprinklers (lined at the entrance to farm)
Hugs -- visitor's choice
Exceptions -- trees by sprinklers if there are any, then sprinklers
Primary -- ten single trees (front of farm, just left of river)
Hugs -- sprinklers (front of farm, just left of river)
Exceptions -- none, if you need something else, please feel free to click on it
Primary -- sprinklers (lined in front of entrance to farm)
Hugs -- additional sprinklers (located same)
Exceptions -- any lone trees near sprinklers then sprinklers
Primary -- sprinklers ( just left of entrance lined against crop fields)
Hugs -- not specified by farmer
Exceptions -- ditto
Primary -- sprinklers (lined along the river bank) and/or trees in animal yard, front left (Visitor's choice)
Hugs -- same
Exceptions -- none
Primary -- sprinklers (left of entrance lined between 2 large crop fields)
Hugs -- not specified by farmer
Exceptions -- ditto
Primary -- sprinklers (left of the entrance lined parallel to large crop field)
Hugs -- sprinklers
Exceptions -- none
Primary -- lone trees (bottom left hand side of farm), if no trees* then sprinklers
Hugs -- sprinklers
Exceptions -- remember to stop for coffee and a chat

*Note from Cate: FV often doesn't load well. I've learned from experience on Gayle's farm that it might look like no trees are there, but if there are brown circles on the ground, trees are there.
Primary -- sprinklers (grouped between front crop field and workshops)
Hugs -- visitor's choice
Exceptions -- none
Monica –
Primary -- sprinklers (grouped in open space left of entrance)
Hugs -- not specified by farmer
Exceptions -- ditto
Primary -- sprinklers (left of entrance lined along front edge of farm)
Hugs -- anything that needs water
Exceptions -- if something specific is requested on Co-op Chat board
Primary -- sprinklers (grouped immediately right of entrance at front)
Hugs -- more sprinklers
Exceptions -- none
Primary -- anything that needs watering or sprinklers (scattered in crop field)
Hugs -- not specified by farmer
Exceptions -- ditto